



24/7/365 IT Monitoring: what is it for?

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Have you ever asked what IT monitoring is for? Every entrepreneur's dream is that their company grows and, when that happens, so does the volume of data and the IT environment in general. Consequently, the lack of constant monitoring can result in great risks and losses for your business. Find out below how 24/7/365 monitoring can minimize exposures and keep your environment running smoothly.

Why is IT monitoring important
The 24/7/365 monitoring is highly indicated for companies with an IT environment that is very critical to their business. Generally, a simple stoppage or failure in the IT infrastructure can cause huge losses. A great example of this is the hospital sector, which requires a very well-defined control so as not to put lives at risk. Therefore, the main goal of monitoring is to detect failures even before they happen, through verification routines on servers, routers, storage, backups, etc. This way you can focus only on your work, without worrying about maintenance and with maximum control over the infrastructure.

Prime DB's monitoring
Prime DB monitors your database environment or your cloud infrastructure using full time customized systems. Our technical team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide immediate support. With efficient solutions that minimize and control risks, we guarantee performance, integrity, reliability and data security, keeping your environment completely safe and reliable the entire year. If you own a critical IT environment for your business and are looking for the best solution to minimize any risk, talk to our team and clear all your doubts!


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