




The client, Habib's, faced high costs and operational complexity by maintaining environments in three distinct clouds and an on-premise setup. The Azure environment, which was located outside their home country, caused slowdowns and high latency, while the AWS environment incurred even higher costs. This cloud fragmentation led to elevated data transfer costs and unsatisfactory performance.

Consolidate the three different public clouds and the on-premise infrastructure into a single cloud, OCI, to reduce costs through architecture modernization.

Prime DB Solutions conducted an initial assessment to identify the best technologies and architecture to meet the client's needs. They developed a consolidated architecture, migrating all workloads to OCI. This included creating an optimized infrastructure for SQL Server and Oracle, migrating legacy applications, and using advanced migration techniques for VMs and databases, along with modernizing the environment.

The migration was successfully completed within three months, ahead of schedule, resulting in a 40% reduction in infrastructure and cloud costs. System performance improved significantly, and planning for migrating from Windows to Linux and from SQL Server to Oracle is underway, with additional cost savings expected. The project is continuously evolving, with future migrations planned to further optimize the architecture using OCI and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


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